Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fast Forward to Week 2

I find myself at the end of week 2 of P90x and the end of week 3 for the Spring Session at Ai.  I guess you could say I am relatively satisfied with both, but in complete understanding that I still need to improve.

P90x has been tough, but not because of the workouts themselves.  It seems each workout video requires at least 1 hour and when the program requires 2 workouts every other day, I just don't have 2 hours in the morning to devote to it like I would like.  I still try, I don't give up, but sometimes that means substituting some basic pull-ups, push-ups and crunches for the more hardcore P90x workouts.  I hate doing it this way, but when you live 50 miles from school, you have to leave at a very specific time to not hit LA traffic, which still isn't 100% a sure thing.

Regardless, I'm still progressing. I did the Ab Ripper yesterday,and while some of the exercises are extremely difficult, I really didn't feel anything. So am I doing it wrong, or is my body already used to those exercises? I have no idea, but I'll keep at it.  I will post my "Pre-P90x" photo here soon, and hopefully every couple of weeks I will be able to see some improvement.

As for school, same old-same old.  I love every one of my classes, but when every teacher claims that his or her class is THE most important class and you must devote the majority of your time to that class and that class alone, it just gets frustrating.  I really do average anywhere from 8 - 12 hours of homework per class, per week and there are just so many hours in the day. Speaking of which, I'd better get back to my school work now and stop talking to myself here.  I will also soon post project progress here for each of my classes and we will see what happens.

Until next time...

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